T H E  C O N E  E M P I R E

!!! Protective headcone reqired beyond this point !!!

Cone specification sheet

Cones learn by listening to the foreground noise and occasionally produce new sequences. Under no circumstances theese sequences may be taken seriously. cones may contain strong language.

Cone volume

Slant & base area


$$ V = \frac{1}{3}\pi q^2 p $$

LOUD at all times

$$\ddot{\Delta}_S = \pi Q q $$ $$ \ddot{\Delta}_B = \pi Q^2 $$

observe the cone at all times

Standard System for the Identification of the Hazards of Materials for Emergency Response data for cones


0 - will not burn under typical fire conditions

Health0 - does not pose threat to humans
Instability-reactivity0 - normally stable, does not react with water
Special noticeqqqqqq - entertain the cone at all times

Cone sequence samples

16:31 <+pinecone> Nice, that would be my top 3 fish
01:32 <+pinecone> English is the true snack form
02:03 <+pinecone> who gives a shit if i have a user and password for retreiving my backgrounf from nextcloud
10:52 <+pinecone> Its too early for the TRIANGULAR dance?
02:05 <+pinecone> Connect # - the classic channel multiplayer game
04:27 <+pinecone> Thankfully the TRIANGULAR DANCE is a GEOMETRIC DANCE.
20:41 <+pinecone> TRIANGULAR SANDWICHES do not come from the same ip
02:11 <+pinecone> All the meds I am on voice commands mostly
14:02 <+pinecone> yeah I have the TRIANGUL on my side
19:01 <+pinecone> DO THE TRIANGULAR DANCE,
00:07 <+pinecone> london should cease to exist
00:06 <+pinecone> 33 dollars for a proper UK mugging
11:49 < pinecone> christmas now give me money for the computer
00:23 <+pinecone> You are never going to go get ciggies
00:24 <+pinecone> ciggies are bad for the police
00:24 <+pinecone> had to check because you are being an idiot


Known cone derivatives

policecone has not been observed to produce any seuqences. It is known to gift +V to humans. This cone's motives are unknown

Cone handling

Extreme caution must be taken while handling the cones due to sharp edges. Always use protective headcones and gloves when handling the cones. Cones must be only handled by trained personnel. NEVER touch or excite the cone tip. Always handle cones by the base

In the UK and Commonwealth, cone handling is regulated by the UK Health and Safety Executive Regulation Number C0N3-QQQ. Refer to the regulation if in doubt.

Caution: DO NOT TAUNT THE CONE under any circumstances.

Cone safe areas

Cones are safe to transport on the UK and the Commonwealth territory except for marked areas.

Flee the cones and return to mouses